This is How to Face Temptation on Sidewalk

Jennifer Claudia Kwan
4 min readApr 1, 2021


Photo by Zachariah Hagy on Unsplash

You know what I hear when take a walk?

“Hey, come here sweety!”

“Uh, where are you going huh?”

“Why you’re walking alone? Just hang out with us, dear.”

Those sentences above are daily meals. There are always some poeple who stole attention to interrupt my calm when take a walk. It doesn’t depends on what’s your age or clothing. Such a mixed feelings. I can only comment in my own brain. When I answer directly, it get worse. When I be quiet, they think that I’m so cold hearted person. Always be guilt every way (silent for a while).

Let me take a glimpse about history of temptation’s experiences. I was afraid when I heard it. Seriously. Shook like kitten meet tiger. As child who has been shy and quiet’s base (complete package as human being) since came to the world, I had battle with my soul when received those “calls”. It hasn’t been once or twice, but repeatedly until I could’t count with fingers from person who didn’t know what was menstruation until person who always think (read: overthinker).

While I gathered all of my courages (to talk about unhappy experiences) to approached nearest people, they didn’t believe and thought that I just had negative thinking about those people who sought attention. Even though, they were real evidences….

Meet that kind of people have another challenge. There is behavior (words and deeds) which we need to consider. I understand, they do that because of accident or spontaneously. They just seek attention to show that “This is me. This human is here. And I’m attractive.”

Honestly, I got angry. Even, I ever report to security as nosy act of individual. You can guess what happen next. Yup, he didn’t respond and told me: “Just be patient.”

As getting older, I need to fix past reaction (which wasn’t nice to them). I change how to deal it with calm without getting angry. This is the practice.

[Warning! This story is not a generalization of one gender’s behavior.]

I’m walking on sidewalk. There are many stores which I pass. Suddenly, I see 2 young man who not far away.

Photo by Clayton Cardinalli on Unsplash

Let’s inhale and exhale air slowly. Set proper body position. Use step leisure mode. What’s benefit? Maintain calmness from inside and outside body. Okay. The boys are calling me. Remember, I and they haven’t met before. Position: Totally 100% stranger. Fine, back to the story.

They put both hands in their pockets while taking out their signature stance: Curious about what am I doing. Okay. Coincidentally, I’m invulnerable after be stricken over years. They keep on provoke me to answer. Here it is.

  • Call them as A and B

A: Hey, where are you going?

Me: Over there (point to somewhere), store at the corner.

B: Oh…I see.

Me: If I may know, do you always do like this (ask to stranger)? I mean, invite talk people who pass this store every (single) day?

A: Uh, yes… (confuse but have to show his high confidence’s voice tone).

Me: Oh I see. Fine. Who do you usually talk to? Children, teenagers, or mothers?

B: I usually pick on young one, teenagers to new adults. Hehehe. I just like it.

Me: Yeah, yeah (nodding head). Woah, what a gracious boys here. You’re so friendly. Good job, good job.

A and B: (listening while begin to be embarrassed)

Me: I always hear this kind of random question by strangers. It seems like that. But, a little bit improvised. Yeah, you know…whistle louder or just said “Girl!”. When I looked at him, he just confuse what to do. I get to used it as usual (of course I’ve been in this shameful situation for years, folks!) and I don’t know how other people react if they find this. But, this place has very very friendly people, right? Is this marketing strategy? Ahaha. This gives the impression of being close to visitors, especially strangers. Even, for people who haven’t met previously. Is this kind of “good” memories for customers?

B: (confuse how to answer) Eeee…I think yes. Hehehe. (looking for other direction)

A: I think we need to get inside. There’s stok that must to be prepared. Come on, B. (tap B’s right shoulder)

Me: I want to leave. Sorry for disturb your activity. See you.

A and B: Bye…. (head is getting down)

The End

Fun fact: It’s not fiction story. That has been I done. As you can see the words above, I appreciate their (very high) self confidence (and reckless) to invite me to talk something. I don’t want to say offensive words, like insult or even curse. That’s subtle way. There are times when we need to calm down to face something unexpected.

Then, what happen after I said that? They don’t appear on the next day…and other following days. Let’s be positive thinker. Maybe, they’re busy inside work place.

  • Update: I rarely see them since those interesting chit chat above done. I don’t know where they’re going. Let them live their life. Hope they will be fine.

Sometimes, we need to more act which out of common act to realize them indirectly. Slashing which become habit made uncomfortable for some people.

You can apply the methods when you’re in similar situation. If their reaction is got worse (like flirting toward the out of bounds), you can warn them or report to nearest people.

If we don’t stop their nosy calls, who else? We don’t need to wait hero for wipe out them. Let’s call our inner voice and do the act without humiliate.

